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#0 by Krakadil (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2010-07-29 19:23:46 (723 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix is the premier championship of motorcycle road racing currently divided into three distinct classes: 125cc, 250cc and MotoGP. The first two are held with two-stroke and the last with four-stroke engines. In 2010 the 250cc was replaced by the new Moto2 600cc four-stroke class. So, after 2010 there will be one two-stroke class, 125cc, and 2 four-stroke classes: Moto2 and MotoGP. Grand Prix motorcycles are purpose-built racing machines that are neither available for purchase by the general public nor can be ridden legally on public roads. This contrasts with the various production categories of racing, such as the Superbike World Championship, that feature modified versions of road-going motorcycles available to the public.

125cc and 250cc classes

125cc KTM Grand Prix motorcycle
125cc machines are restricted to a single cylinder and a minimum weight of 80 kilograms and the 250cc machines to two cylinders and a minimum of 100 kilograms. From 2005 onwards, all riders in the 125cc class could not be older than 28 years or 25 years for new contracted riders participating for the first time and wild-cards.
In 2008 discussions arose surrounding the replacement of the 2-stroke 250cc class with another category. The move to 600cc 4-stroke engines to replace the current 250s has been finalized as of June 2008, and will take effect in 2010.

Moto2 class
Moto2 is the new 600cc 4-stroke class to replace 250cc 2-stroke class. Engines will be produced by Honda; tyres by Dunlop and electronics will be limited and supplied only by FIM sanctioned producers with max cost set at 650 EUR. Carbon-fibre brakes will be banned and only steel brakes will be allowed. However, there will be no chassis limitations. In the 2010 season both 600 cc four-stroke Moto2 and 250 cc two-stroke bikes will race in the Moto2 class. From 2011 onwards only 600 cc four-stroke Moto2 machines will be allowed

MotoGP class
New specifications for each racing class are formed as the FIM sees fit. At the beginning of the new MotoGP era in 2002, 500cc two-stroke or 990cc four-stroke bikes were specified to race. The enormous power advantage of the larger displacement four-stroke engine over the two-stroke eliminated all two-strokes from competition; the following season no two-stroke bikes were racing. In 2007 the maximum engine capacity was reduced to 800cc without reducing the existing weight restrictions.

MotoGP Class Riders


Moto2 Class Riders


125cc Class Riders


2016 Calendar and Circuits - Soon

Editat de către Kerdic la 2015-11-14 13:25:54

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#76 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 16:45:24 (718 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#74 Kerdic, :rip: Văzut accidentul live....pretty bad :(

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#77 by Nicky (Seny, pit i collons) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 16:47:45 (718 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Bleaaaa... :rip:

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#78 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 17:14:00 (718 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

The Japanese rider tragically passed away today, Sunday 5th September, after being injured in a crash during the Moto2 race at Misano.

The following statement has been released by Race Direction:
On Sunday 5th September during the Moto2 race, rider Shoya Tomizawa aged 19 suffered a serious crash and subsequent cranial, thoracic and abdominal trauma.
Tomizawa was taken to the Hospital of Riccione for immediate treatment but succumbed to his injuries at 14.20.
All the MotoGP family wants to express its deepest condolences to his family and friends.

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#79 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-05 20:29:53 (718 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Победитель первой гонки в истории новой категории МотоGP - Moto2, - Шоя Томидзава скончался от травм, полученных в массовой аварии на Гран-При Сан-Марино. Подробности этого печального события стали известны за несколько минут до торжественной церемонии награждения в Королевском классе.

Не часто случаются подобные трагические случаи в Больших Призах, ибо вопросам безопасности FIM и Dorna уделяет много внимания. Но один вопрос, вопрос о перенаселении гоночной решетки класса Moto2 стоит остро с самого первого старта сезона 2010 года, в Катаре. Массовые крушения, особенно на первых кругах, а еще чаще - на старте, становятся визитной карточкой 600-кубовой категории.

Авария произошла на 12-м круге заезда, когда лидирующая группа, ведомая Тони Элиасом далеко оторвалась от пелетона. Шоя Томидзава, Алекс Де Анжелис и Скотт Реддинг боролись за место в тройке. До финиша оставалось более половины заезда, поэтому скорости на прямых мотоциклы развивали достаточно высокие, да и к торможению пилоты относились более чем уверенно: покрышки еще целы!..

Но случай с японским гонщиком стал исключением из правил: на торможении перед входом в узкую шпильку 11 поворота, в конце скоростной обратной прямой он неожиданно потерял контроль над байком. Заднее колесо сорвалось и Шоя поймал хай-сайд. Реддинг и Де Анжелис глазом не успели моргнуть, как оба, один за другим переехали упавшего пилота - расстояние между мотоциклами было минимальным. И санмаринец, и британец также отправились в непродолжительные полеты после столкновения. После чего Реддингу потребовалась медицинская помощь (о его состоянии пока ничего неизвестно), а вот Де Анжелис смог подняться и ушел в паддок самостоятельно.

Наибольшие опасения вызвало состояние Томидзавы, так как после крушения он явно потерял сознание. Несмотря на это, Дирекция гонок не остановила заезд, а лишь дала распоряжение поскорее очистить трек. Японца доставили сначала в Медицинский центр, а оттуда в госпиталь города Риччьоне в виду очевидности наличия серьезнейших травм. Однако через два часа поступило сообщение, интенсивная терапия не помогла остановить внутреннее кровотечение, сердце мотогонщика остановилось... Причинами гибели стали сильнейшая черепно-мозговая травма, перелом нескольких ребер и разрыв внутренних органов, сообщает Corriere dello Sport.

Итак, подобные инциденты происходят в MotoGP не часто, потому что команды и призовые пилоты знают цену своему здоровью. Имена погибших пилотов в памяти у тех, кто участвует в гонках.

Хотелось бы сказать, что "последним", но увы теперь не получится, - предыдущим гонщиком, положившим свою жизнь на алтарь усиления требований к безопасности стал другой японец Дайдзиро Като. Его участники чемпионата вспоминали в этот четверг, в ходе специально организованного ток-шоу Dadikato. Авария, в которой пострадал Дайдзиро случилась на небезопасном треке Suzuka аж в 2003 году - семь лет назад! После этого чемпионат навсегда покинул эту трассу. Но вряд ли MotoGP когда-либо покинет Misano - Мекку моторного спорта Италии, так может быть, хотя бы какие-то выводы сделают в Dorna?

Однако, случай с Томидзавой - уже вторая трагедия за неделю. В прошлое воскресенье, на Гран-При Индианаполиса погиб 13-летний Питер Ленц, участник юниорской серии USGPRU. Гран-При Сан-Марино началось с минуты молчания в память об амерканце, и закончилось минутой молчания в память о японском спортсмене.

Напомню, что проблемы, связанные с серьезнейшими травмами из-за недостаточной безопасности на гоночных треках не обошли стороной и российский мотоспорт. В апреле, на официальных тестах Чемпионата России по ШКМГ на чешском треке Мост погиб наш друг, пилот команды FM Racing Евгений Филимонов. Однако, из этого события организаторы чемпионата не вынесли никаких уроков для себя, этап в Мосте не был отменен или разделен по классам, как это обычно делается в Мячково. В итоге, серьезные травмы получили несколько пилотов класса Supersport и STK-600, в том числе Алексей Ковалев, который и по сей день находится в госпитале Моста на лечении. Его ситуация усугублена тем, что организаторы эвента всучили россиянину недействительную страховку, так что деньги на лечение теперь приходится собирать его друзьям и вчерашним соперникам.

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#80 by System at 2010-09-06 19:10:02 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
19 ani doar avea :( este al 2 accident al moto GP-ului in aceste 2 saptamini.

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#81 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 20:32:47 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#80 KnightAndrey, "... moto GP-ulu ..." - nu....în Moto Gp nu e al II-lea...în Superbike a fost unul....

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#82 by System at 2010-09-06 20:43:28 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#81 ShkeT, acela vapse era copil ? :pardon:

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#83 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 20:50:18 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#82 KnightAndrey, "... acela vapse era copil ? ..." - da nu parcă...

Marco Melandri will ride in the World Superbike Championship with Yamaha in 2011, it has been confirmed.

Ple treb de apucat de uitat şi la Superbike....văd nume interesante acolo...James Toseland, Max Biaggi,Sylvain Guintoli, Carlos Checa,Chris Vermeulen şi yaca deam şi Marco încolo...treb de interesat)))

Moto2: Scott Redding escapes serious injury
Scott Redding escaped serious injury during a huge crash in Sunday's Moto2 race at Misano, but was left devastated by the news that Shoya Tomizawa sustained fatal injuries in the incident.

Tomizawa fell from fourth place after running wide onto the back straight and was hit at high-speed by Alex de Angelis and then Redding, who were close behind and had no chance to avoid the stricken rider.

19-year-old Tomizawa died later in hospital.

Redding was also taken to the circuit medical centre, where he received ten stitches for a laceration to his back. de Angelis miraculously walked away from the huge accident.

"Scott's crash was a big one, so we are thankful that the only injury he sustained was a minor laceration on his back," said Redding's Marc VDS team manager Michael Bartholemy.

"We were deeply saddened by the news that Shoya Tomizawa succumbed to the injuries sustained. He was a respected rival and will be sorely missed in the paddock.

"Like everyone in the Marc VDS Racing Team, my thoughts are with his family and friends at this time."

Măcar asta îi bun...

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#84 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 20:56:52 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#83 ShkeT, da matink...

Da, avea 13 ani... :(

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#85 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 21:13:14 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#84 Kerdic, psc:( Aşe o pauză de 6 ani şi vdrug deodată 2...psc(

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#86 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 21:19:11 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#85 ShkeT, eu iak mă gîndesc acu la regulamentul din 2012, cînd introduc din nou 1000cc, şi minimizează electronica, traction control etc. Rossi a mai concurat pe aşa bikuri, el singur spunea că e deprins să deschidă acceleraţia încet, din cauza la old school, da ăştea tiner şi noi, cîte high-siduri o să fie.....

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#87 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 21:43:57 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#86 Kerdic, nu ple...asta îs raceuri...Oldies cum concurau şi nu era aşa ceva...imo tot din cauza că au introdus traction controlul ista acum o să fie problematic la raceri...el voobşe nu trebuie de pus aşa mult...trebuia de limitat ca toţi să se înveţe să meargă singuri...

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#88 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 21:48:23 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#87 ShkeT, da, dar totuşi o să fie mai periculos. Eu tot îs ptr a scoate electronica, şi să conteze pilotul. Dar imho, ptr 1000cc tre de pus o limită de vîrstă de la care poţ merge...

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#89 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-06 23:55:50 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#88 Kerdic, "... da, dar totuşi o să fie mai periculos. Eu tot îs ptr a scoate electronica, şi să conteze pilotul. Dar imho, ptr 1000cc tre de pus o limită de vîrstă de la care poţ merge... ..." - păi stai că la 1000 cc nu ajung copii de 13 ani...Pîn ajung ei în King class au de trecut ceva anişori...

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#90 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-07 12:50:26 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#89 ShkeT, "... păi stai că la 1000 cc nu ajung copii de 13 ani ..." - dar nici la 19 ne le-aş permite..

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#91 by Calin96 (Keep calm and go f*ck yourself) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-07 20:08:05 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Uitati-va aici

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#92 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2010-09-08 20:47:02 (717 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Shoya Tomizawa: An homage from his family and team

The family of Shoya Tomizawa, the Technomag-CIP team and its partners, and the Technomag company wishes to express their homage to an exceptional son, rider and colleague.

Shoya Tomizawa was one of the rays of sunshine in the paddock and within his team. He never missed an opportunity to dedicate a smile or a ‘hello’ to anybody he encountered. He enjoyed having fun with his colleagues but was also a very professional rider who was spirited, and fully concentrated on the development of his bike after every ride. All were impressed by his talent and his refined style of riding. He worked hard to give his maximum not only for himself but for everybody in his team, who had become a second family with whom he spent most of his free time between races.
We have not only lost a talented rider, we have lost a friend and a son who radiated the joy of life and transmitted a good feeling to all those around him. This will always remain in our memories.
We write these lines as a thank you to all those who have sent us messages of condolence during these past hours. Through these messages we have achieved a great feeling of warmth. This great support shows that Shoya was not just appreciated by his own family and friends, but by many more.
Without Shoya nothing will be as it was before, but thanks to its passion for the sport and the encouragement of his family the Technomag-CIP team will continue its adventure and challenges in Moto2.
His parents want us to keep his smile and mischievous look in our memory, and remember that he passed away doing what he loved.
Parents, team, CIP and Technomag

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#93 by Nicky (Seny, pit i collons) (0 mesaje) at 2010-10-10 15:02:41 (713 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Niş un caif din campionatul ăsta cîştigat. Oricum titlul e titlu. Felicitări nouă, tuturor fanilor Lorenzo. Ae!

P.S. Nu mai ţin minte cu cine mă contram, dar oricum: Cum vouă Spies? Krosavceg. Spuneam eu că rupe. La anu', în tandem cu Jorge, of...

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#94 by Experiment (Hala Madrid!) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-09 16:32:13 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
anul acesta cu Lorenzo voi tine, la fel ca si sezonul trecut :mml:

cind incepe prima etapa? :look:

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#95 by boryxz (User) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-10 12:17:27 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#94 Experiment, "... cind incepe prima etapa? ..." -

Pe ce canale se vaor mai trasmite anul asta, ori iar online tre sa ma uit, anul trecut ma uitam la parabolika la Persiii Avtomobilii, eurosport intl nu se vede nimic in privinta asta ?

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#96 by Experiment (Hala Madrid!) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-10 13:14:02 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#95 boryxz, "... Pe ce canale se vaor mai trasmite anul asta ..." - TVR 1 :look:

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#97 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-13 12:08:23 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

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#98 by Experiment (Hala Madrid!) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-13 12:13:11 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#97 Kerdic, "... #update ..." - :mml:

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#99 by ShkeT (Crazy Kiwi) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-13 12:24:09 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Как не крути da frezura lui Marco Simoncelli rupe ))))

P.S. Şi ce aşa puţini raceri la 125?))

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#100 by Kerdic (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2011-03-13 12:26:37 (691 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#99 ShkeT, "... Как не крути da frezura lui Marco Simoncelli rupe )))) ..." - +1

#99 ShkeT, "... P.S. Şi ce aşa puţini raceri la 125?))..." - mulţ o trecut la Moto2 :D

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