Forum Index > Chat > Moldova as world's unhappiest country

#0 by Angie (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 04:29:18 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
If you are looking for happiness, don't make a detour to Moldova. The country, which holds the dubious honor of being the poorest in Europe, is now officially also the unhappiest.

A new book by American author and journalist Eric Weiner categorizes Moldova at the least happy place on the face of the planet. The book, The Geography of Bliss, surveys countries around the globe with happy populations. For comparison, it also includes the most miserable country in the world: Moldova.

" - Moldovans are truly miserable," says the book's author, Eric Weiner. "It's a relatively poor country on the edge of a rich neighborhood, and that's Europe. Once they had the pride of being part of the Soviet empire, and now they're not part of anything."

Mark Ames, another American journalist, agrees.
" - Moldova is not only the poorest nation in Europe - it is also the most miserable place I have ever visited," says Ames.

Based on first hand experience, awardwinning journalist Eric Weiner confirms in his latest book that Moldova is the unhappiest place on the face of the earth.
Weiner says that Moldovans appear stuck in a posture of "learned hopelessness," which according to the book is a way of thinking that suggests things will never improve. That is the dominant mind-set in Moldova, the former Soviet republic which Weiner visited as a point of comparison after checking out some of the happiest countries in the world.

" - The Moldovans, who live in the least-happy place in the world, are poor and miserable, but there are poorer countries that are happier. Moldovans drink a lot and are perpetually nasty to each other," says Eric Weiner.

Fittingly, the book's chapter on Moldova is titled "Happiness is Somewhere Else."

Happier in Transdniester
In contrast to Moldova, neighboring Transdniester (official name: Pridnestrovie) is a much happier place. They continue to feel the brunt of Moldova's "perpetual nastiness", in the words of Weiner. But why are the Transdniestrians nevertheless so happy? One reason is the country is small. The entire population is around 550,000, and in the capital, Tiraspol, you can walk just about anywhere in 15 minutes.

Smallness facilitates cooperation, because if one segment of the population suffers it's not long before everyone feels the effects. Smallness creates a sense of cohesion, because most everyone knows everyone else, through friends, family or co-workers. There's also a feeling, due to the republic's currently unrecognized status, of being shunned by the world. This fosters an atmosphere of independence and solidarity.

" - In a way, we feel like this is World War II and Churchill is urging everyone to stick together," says one resident. "That is what we do here: We stick together, regardless of ethnic lines."

Nearly 18 years of building their own state in the face of adversity and nonrecognition has given the Transdniestrians a strong sense of who they are. This sense of national identity and purpose is lacking in Moldova. In his book, Eric Weiner points out that Moldovans lack a coherent national identity, a functioning economy and a culture that rewards hard work.

Transdniester's economy, unlike Moldova's, is highly industrialized and export-oriented. It is well-functioning despite a blockade and other attempts by Moldova to subdue it. Moldova will not allow Transdniestria to obtain success on its own, and prefers to drag the freedom-seeking territory down into misery along with Moldova itself.

" - In Moldova, the most unhappy country in the world, the people relish envy and so they are unhappy," says Eric Weiner, as way of explanation. "Moldovans derive more pleasure from their neighbor’s failure than their own success," he adds.

Strong desire for independence
Without an “abiding faith or culture on which to rely,” Moldovans, Weiner writes, harbor a superstition that is “free-floating, anchored to nothing but the cloud of pessimism that hovers over this sad land.” Hopping aboard a crowded bus, he observes, “Every face is frozen in an expression that is simultaneously vacant” and vaguely teed off — “an expression I came to identify as the Moldovan Scowl.”

The sense of a shared destiny is much more apparent in Transdniester, on the other side of the Dniester river which has historically been Moldova's easternmost border.
Transdniester declared independence in 1990 and has no desire to join Moldova. An overwhelming majority of its population shares a strong desire for independence. Sovereign statehood for Transdniester is even supported by the country's Moldovan minority (who call it Transnistria, its name in the Romanian language).

" - We don't want to be part of the unhappiest country in the world," says Lucia Sarbu, 24, from Tiraspol, the capital of Transdniester. "We prefer independence. There can be no other future for us."

On the face of it, Moldova's own population also has no desire to be part of Moldova any longer. Worldwide, the country has the highest number of emigrants per capita. To date, nearly one-third of Moldova's entire population has left the country. When measured strictly on the basis of working age adults (the economically active segment of the population), half of all Moldovans have already left.

With Moldovans leaving and Transdniestrians having no desire to join, the future of Moldova is uncertain. For Moldova, there is no happiness in sight. But for Transdniester, the future is optimistic: The new and emerging country has rejected a proposal to merge with Moldova, and continues its quest for international recognition and diplomatic relations with other countries.

Eric Weiner is a national correspondent for the U.S. National Public Radio (NPR), based in Washington DC. He is a veteran foreign correspondent for NPR, with postings in New Delhi, Jerusalem, and Tokyo. Weiner has worked for both the NPR Foreign Desk and its Washington Bureau. Prior to joining radio, Weiner worked at The New York Times.

Any last hints at why Transdniestria is a happier place than Moldova? The need to stick together creates unity, and Transdniestria has a lot more of that than Moldova.

" - Necessity may be the mother of invention, but interdependence is the mother of affection," says Weiner. "We humans need one another, so we cooperate — for purely selfish reasons at first. At some point, though, the needing fades and all that remains is the cooperation. We help other people because we can, or because it makes us feel good, not because we're counting on some future payback. There is a word for this: love."

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#101 by Angie (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 00:35:10 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#75 andrei2115, agree, foarte trist...dar astfel de generalizari nu sunt corecte. Om fi noi slabi economic, dar nu cred ca ne includem in topul celor mai nefericite shi mizerabile tari...

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#102 by kuett Fotbalist (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 00:37:13 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Adevarul doare???

din pacate tot ce e scris e adevarat

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#103 by Angie (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 00:39:08 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#102 kuett, yea...right...

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#104 by kuett Fotbalist (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 00:43:07 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#103 Angie, si right? vrei sa spui ca sii scris in date nui adevarat?
nau emigrat 1/3 din populatie in afara tarii ?
cines mai nationalisti, transnistrienii sau taranul de la sat care vorbeste rusa stalcita decat romana pe care o stie

hai luatzi in serios tot pt ca asta e adevarul

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#105 by GooBeen (ArtWorks Director) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 00:57:07 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#104 kuett, "... hai luatzi in serios tot pt ca asta e adevarul ..." - +1

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#106 by xander (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 02:17:35 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#3 Iulik, crezi ca nu ne-au dat .. doar ca tot a fost furat de guvern !! inka citzi ne-o dat !!

#2 WersQ, tashi ple.. afrika !! treb satzi pui intrebarea de ce au spus asta si anume despre tzara noastra nu sa criticI !

#12 Imortal, +1

#21 Alexia, pf.. americanii estia timp de 200 de ani au facut ce populatzia de pe teritoriul basarabiei de peste un mileniu nu a putut face

#27 roger, suntem chiar cea mai slaba tzara din Europa asta nu incape indoiala

#35 didi89, he.... USA The BEST !!! )) cel putzin ei stiu sa se distreze ! asta nu incape indoiala ! pot face muzica buna !! ce le mai trebuie??

#102 kuett, +1 !!

ma inerveaza Moldovenii astaia care isi bat cu pumnul in piept !!

eu inroshesk pentru tzara, da la ei .... ii cea mai buna !!!

cite treubuie de facut pentru ea makar de a ridica capul sus !!

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#107 by zyyzzy (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 05:36:47 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
sunt de acord om fi noi slab ecoomik dar nimik mai mult.oare santem noi mizerabili???????????

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#108 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 08:34:31 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#104 kuett, asta incerc s le spun sh eu, da ei q nu, q noua ne e bine, q mama e la italia, trimite bani sh nie nii pox :)

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#109 by WersQ Fotbalist (westcoastbestcoast) (1 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 10:06:16 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#92 shcoala, "... eu la shcoala keltui 150 de lei pe saptamina,da tzie 700 pe luna itzi ajung! ..." - :slap: ian kalkulează kît am eu pe săptămînă + asta fără distracţii)

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#110 by kuett Fotbalist (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 10:13:52 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
pana si nom fi invidiosi si nom avea inca mentalitatea sovietica api no sa ne schimbam niciodata ><

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#111 by Lunatic (Kreatiff) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 10:25:08 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Din punct de vedere material poate şi nu suntem foarte fericiţi, însă ştim să petrecem şi să ne bucurăm de viaţă mult mai bine decît alţii, ştim că în suflet suntem buni, suntem o naţiune muncitoare şi deşteaptă deci putem realiza multe. Şi tot ce se spune despre Moldova nu are decît să ne motiveze şi mai mult să mergem spre progres.

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#112 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 10:32:50 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#111 Lunatic, hai lasma te rog cu natiune primitoare sh muncitoare, deam atyta mam saturat de zicala q moldovenii is foarte primitori :bad: poate in fata e una, insa in suflet se gyndeste cum mai rpd sa scape de tine, sh cine a zis q ne bucuram de viata mai bine decyt altii? daq prin a te bucura de viata inseamna sa iesi de 2-3 ori pe sapt shi sa te imbeti sau sa bei,pff, nu vad niq special in asta

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#113 by 2nitZza (IepurashceG) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 10:32:56 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Duşeţi-vă tăţ în America şi evrifinG uil bi BĂŢ!

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#114 by SeeQ Velo Club (Words can't bend me) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 10:57:46 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#112 Iulik, "... daq prin a te bucura de viata inseamna sa iesi de 2-3 ori pe sapt shi sa te imbeti sau sa bei,pff, nu vad niq special in asta ..." - fiecare se distreaza in felul sau :)

#113 2nitZza, pliusdoi

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#115 by Zuker (Poliglot) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 11:19:20 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#102 kuett, asta e o provocare, o diversiune, o tentativă de bombardare cu rahat. Ceva are valoare, însă este redat într-un mod cinic. Fuck them all !

Scrie că analiştii americani, sau europeni,cine mai sânt, sceptic privesc societatea noastră, poate, însă de Transnistria tac în genere, pt că toţi ştiu că e borta Europei.

PS.Râde oala de ceaun şi-amândoi ei stau în fum.(zicala populară)

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#116 by Alecks (Est modus in rebus !) (1 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 11:28:26 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#115 Zuker, "... #102 kuett, asta e o provocare, o diversiune, o tentativă de bombardare cu rahat. Ceva are valoare, însă este redat într-un mod cinic. Fuck them all ! ..." +1

#106 xander, :dontmention: ca sa faci asa declaratii ca Moldova'i cea mai "koncinaia " tara de pe glob...ap tre'sa "vezi" toate tarile...
pina'ce's arunkate doar vbe'n vint ...

#106 xander, "... USA The BEST !!! )) cel putzin ei stiu sa se distreze ! asta nu incape indoiala ! pot face muzica buna ! ..." - :jester:

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#117 by andrew140 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 12:17:28 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
# Iulik увы, ай дрептате , cit de patrioti :moldova: noi nu vom fi totdeauna adevarul ramine adevar :(

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#118 by vortex7gl (drum'n'bass assault) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 13:29:36 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
:| da eu cred ca ei au avut in vedere nu loc mizerabil, la direct, dar au facut o aluzie spre educatzia populatziei.. adica problema nu e in economie, sau cit de frumos e in tzara.. problema e in noi shi cum sintem noi..

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#119 by kuett Fotbalist (VIP) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 14:38:47 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#115 Zuker, stiu ca ii provocare sii spus prea bine despre transnistria

insa factele spuse despre moldova dintro parte is adevarate, nai cum sa le negi

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#120 by Lunatic (Kreatiff) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 14:49:46 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#112 Iulik, "... daq prin a te bucura de viata inseamna sa iesi de 2-3 ori pe sapt shi sa te imbeti sau sa bei,pff, nu vad niq special in asta ..." - n-am zis asta, da să afirmi că în alte ţări lumea trăieşte şi se distrează tare bine, tot nu e. Recomand să priviţi mai puţine filme...

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#121 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 14:54:28 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#120 Lunatic, eu nam afirmat niq, just q s spui q la noi lumea se distreaza mai bine ca in alta parte e prostie, da de trait by defaut traieste mai bine ))

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#122 by jekader Donor (Besatzungsarmee) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 16:05:15 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 Angie, "... Moldova as world's unhappiest country ..." - так вам и надо :P
Приезжайте к нам в ПМР, будет вам счастье :rofl:

Editat de către jekader la 2008-02-24 16:21:15

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#123 by blacklight (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 16:09:32 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

cei care cred ca moldova e un loc totushi mai bun decit multe altele(eu de 3 ori in america am fost dar oricum m-am intors pentru ca cred ca aici e mai interesant sa traiesti) apoi luati si-i scrieti pe linkul de mai sus cite ceva la idiotu cela de american(oricum demonstratii educatie si cultura in timp ce-l "bagati" in seama...)..

da cei care totushi cred ca moldova e cel mai nefericit loc.. apoi luativa valiza si ducetiva in capitala libertatii la Tiraspol.. si fiti mai fericiti acolo!!

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#124 by Support (Human inside) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 17:58:48 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

Angie wrote:

If you are looking for happiness, don't make a detour to Moldova. The country, which holds the dubious honor of being the poorest in Europe, is now officially also the unhappiest.
We are indeed the poorest country in Europe,no point denying that

" - Moldovans are truly miserable," says the book's author, Eric Weiner. "It's a relatively poor country on the edge of a rich neighborhood, and that's Europe. Once they had the pride of being part of the Soviet empire, and now they're not part of anything."
He's delusional . I for one,never took pride in being part of the Evil Soviet Empire . It's total BS

Weiner says that Moldovans appear stuck in a posture of "learned hopelessness," which according to the book is a way of thinking that suggests things will never improve. That is the dominant mind-set in Moldova...
This is apparently true . Most Moldavians have given up their hopes of a better life in Moldova. Can't really blame them , as things really do look f***ed up ...

" - The Moldovans, who live in the least-happy place in the world, are poor and miserable, but there are poorer countries that are happier. Moldovans drink a lot and are perpetually nasty to each other," says Eric Weiner.
Moldavians are not known for their cultural legacy , nor are they know for their wits.They are on the other hand know for their aggressive nature and outrageous manners ,or rather the lack of.So I have to agree with Weiner on that .

This is where the political BS starts .
Happier in Transdniester
In contrast to Moldova, neighboring Transdniester (official name: Pridnestrovie) is a much happier place. They continue ...

Nearly 18 years of building their own state in the face of adversity and nonrecognition has given the Transdniestrians a strong sense of who they are. This sense of national identity and purpose is lacking in Moldova.So true In his book, Eric Weiner points out that Moldovans lack a coherent national identity, a functioning economy and a culture that rewards hard work.Couldn't agree more

" - In Moldova, the most unhappy country in the world, the people relish envy and so they are unhappy," says Eric Weiner, as way of explanation. "Moldovans derive more pleasure from their neighbor’s failure than their own success," he adds. This is what I hate the most about Moldavians . Who the f**k invented that feeling ?!

Strong desire for independence
Without an “abiding faith or culture on which to rely,” Moldovans, Weiner writes, harbor a superstition that is “free-floating, anchored to nothing but the cloud of pessimism that hovers over this sad land.” Hopping aboard a crowded bus, he observes, “Every face is frozen in an expression that is simultaneously vacant” and vaguely teed off — “an expression I came to identify as the Moldovan Scowl.”
I didn't get the message here , but what I see in public transportation resembles more to a crowd of mindless drones ,rather then a civilized social entity .

" - We don't want to be part of the unhappiest country in the world," says Lucia Sarbu, 24, from Tiraspol, the capital of Transdniester. "We prefer independence. There can be no other future for us." She nailed that one . There is no future for the so called Transdniestrian Republic

On the face of it, Moldova's own population also has no desire to be part of Moldova any longer. Worldwide, the country has the highest number of emigrants per capita. To date, nearly one-third of Moldova's entire population has left the country. When measured strictly on the basis of working age adults (the economically active segment of the population), half of all Moldovans have already left.
A sad reality,which we cannot argue with ...

With Moldovans leaving and Transdniestrians having no desire to join, the future of Moldova is uncertain. For Moldova, there is no happiness in sight. But for Transdniester, the future is optimistic: The new and emerging country has rejected a proposal to merge with Moldova, and continues its quest for international recognition and diplomatic relations with other countries. I'm sure Transdnistria is going to be just fine . Being a testing ground for the Russian Federation ,maybe undergo a couple of nuclear test...that sounds great . Morons

Answer in bold .

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#125 by DaMoN (There's Only One United) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-24 18:34:28 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
moldova realina ii kkt :)

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