Forum Index > Chat > Moldova as world's unhappiest country

#0 by Angie (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 04:29:18 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
If you are looking for happiness, don't make a detour to Moldova. The country, which holds the dubious honor of being the poorest in Europe, is now officially also the unhappiest.

A new book by American author and journalist Eric Weiner categorizes Moldova at the least happy place on the face of the planet. The book, The Geography of Bliss, surveys countries around the globe with happy populations. For comparison, it also includes the most miserable country in the world: Moldova.

" - Moldovans are truly miserable," says the book's author, Eric Weiner. "It's a relatively poor country on the edge of a rich neighborhood, and that's Europe. Once they had the pride of being part of the Soviet empire, and now they're not part of anything."

Mark Ames, another American journalist, agrees.
" - Moldova is not only the poorest nation in Europe - it is also the most miserable place I have ever visited," says Ames.

Based on first hand experience, awardwinning journalist Eric Weiner confirms in his latest book that Moldova is the unhappiest place on the face of the earth.
Weiner says that Moldovans appear stuck in a posture of "learned hopelessness," which according to the book is a way of thinking that suggests things will never improve. That is the dominant mind-set in Moldova, the former Soviet republic which Weiner visited as a point of comparison after checking out some of the happiest countries in the world.

" - The Moldovans, who live in the least-happy place in the world, are poor and miserable, but there are poorer countries that are happier. Moldovans drink a lot and are perpetually nasty to each other," says Eric Weiner.

Fittingly, the book's chapter on Moldova is titled "Happiness is Somewhere Else."

Happier in Transdniester
In contrast to Moldova, neighboring Transdniester (official name: Pridnestrovie) is a much happier place. They continue to feel the brunt of Moldova's "perpetual nastiness", in the words of Weiner. But why are the Transdniestrians nevertheless so happy? One reason is the country is small. The entire population is around 550,000, and in the capital, Tiraspol, you can walk just about anywhere in 15 minutes.

Smallness facilitates cooperation, because if one segment of the population suffers it's not long before everyone feels the effects. Smallness creates a sense of cohesion, because most everyone knows everyone else, through friends, family or co-workers. There's also a feeling, due to the republic's currently unrecognized status, of being shunned by the world. This fosters an atmosphere of independence and solidarity.

" - In a way, we feel like this is World War II and Churchill is urging everyone to stick together," says one resident. "That is what we do here: We stick together, regardless of ethnic lines."

Nearly 18 years of building their own state in the face of adversity and nonrecognition has given the Transdniestrians a strong sense of who they are. This sense of national identity and purpose is lacking in Moldova. In his book, Eric Weiner points out that Moldovans lack a coherent national identity, a functioning economy and a culture that rewards hard work.

Transdniester's economy, unlike Moldova's, is highly industrialized and export-oriented. It is well-functioning despite a blockade and other attempts by Moldova to subdue it. Moldova will not allow Transdniestria to obtain success on its own, and prefers to drag the freedom-seeking territory down into misery along with Moldova itself.

" - In Moldova, the most unhappy country in the world, the people relish envy and so they are unhappy," says Eric Weiner, as way of explanation. "Moldovans derive more pleasure from their neighbor’s failure than their own success," he adds.

Strong desire for independence
Without an “abiding faith or culture on which to rely,” Moldovans, Weiner writes, harbor a superstition that is “free-floating, anchored to nothing but the cloud of pessimism that hovers over this sad land.” Hopping aboard a crowded bus, he observes, “Every face is frozen in an expression that is simultaneously vacant” and vaguely teed off — “an expression I came to identify as the Moldovan Scowl.”

The sense of a shared destiny is much more apparent in Transdniester, on the other side of the Dniester river which has historically been Moldova's easternmost border.
Transdniester declared independence in 1990 and has no desire to join Moldova. An overwhelming majority of its population shares a strong desire for independence. Sovereign statehood for Transdniester is even supported by the country's Moldovan minority (who call it Transnistria, its name in the Romanian language).

" - We don't want to be part of the unhappiest country in the world," says Lucia Sarbu, 24, from Tiraspol, the capital of Transdniester. "We prefer independence. There can be no other future for us."

On the face of it, Moldova's own population also has no desire to be part of Moldova any longer. Worldwide, the country has the highest number of emigrants per capita. To date, nearly one-third of Moldova's entire population has left the country. When measured strictly on the basis of working age adults (the economically active segment of the population), half of all Moldovans have already left.

With Moldovans leaving and Transdniestrians having no desire to join, the future of Moldova is uncertain. For Moldova, there is no happiness in sight. But for Transdniester, the future is optimistic: The new and emerging country has rejected a proposal to merge with Moldova, and continues its quest for international recognition and diplomatic relations with other countries.

Eric Weiner is a national correspondent for the U.S. National Public Radio (NPR), based in Washington DC. He is a veteran foreign correspondent for NPR, with postings in New Delhi, Jerusalem, and Tokyo. Weiner has worked for both the NPR Foreign Desk and its Washington Bureau. Prior to joining radio, Weiner worked at The New York Times.

Any last hints at why Transdniestria is a happier place than Moldova? The need to stick together creates unity, and Transdniestria has a lot more of that than Moldova.

" - Necessity may be the mother of invention, but interdependence is the mother of affection," says Weiner. "We humans need one another, so we cooperate — for purely selfish reasons at first. At some point, though, the needing fades and all that remains is the cooperation. We help other people because we can, or because it makes us feel good, not because we're counting on some future payback. There is a word for this: love."

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#76 by ArmaDino (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 17:12:31 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Asta tot e rahat american... e destul sa analizam oleac problema si o sa fiti deaccord cu mine. Ia spunetimi, cind omul e nefericit, ce face? Face schimbari, dar daca dupa schimbari tot e nefericit? El se gindeste la sinucidere.. si amu spunetimi un lucru, citi oameni ati auzit ca la noi sa se sinucida? Citi studenti ati vazut sa intre in ASEM, UTM si alte universitati inarmati pina la dinti, si sa impuste tot ce se misca?? Tot inca sunteti deaccord.. apoi sa aveti in vedere un lucru, in amerika si tarile occidentale "fericirea" se masoara in bani.. asa numit cult al banului.. si in opinia lor o tara saraca nu poate fi fericita.. da asta e drept, dar eu nu vad ca la noi in fiecare zi sa se sinucide oamenii cu turmele, sa masacreze studentii fara nici o pricina s.a.m.d...

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#77 by andrei2115 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 17:20:43 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top

#76 ArmaDino, "... a spunetimi, cind omul e nefericit, ce face? Face schimbari, dar daca dupa schimbari tot e nefericit? El se gindeste la sinucidere. ..." - la noi e mai rau, oameni se poarta ca niste dobitoace supuse si multumite care se complac in rahat - nici prin cap sa le treaca ca se poate mai bine aici si ei au dreptul la mai mult. Ponderea aici desigur o au cei care li s-au spalat creierele de pe timpul URSS, dar si altii.....

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#78 by System at 2008-02-23 17:22:39 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
RuSSLAND as world's unhappiest country

Россия умирает

:russo:  :russo:  :russo:

"Россию, пусть и возродившуюся и стабилизировавшуюся под руководством кремлевско-газпромовской олигархии, следует рассматривать не как сверхдержаву, а скорее как классического представителя второго мира, и вот почему. Несмотря на угрожающие телодвижения, Россия умирает. Ежегодно ее население уменьшается на полмиллиона, а может и больше; это означает, что к 2025 году население России и Турции сравняется, после чего Россия как огромное государство потеряет смысл к существованию. Совершите путешествие по России сегодня, и вы увидите, также как и в советские времена, находящиеся в упадке города, с целыми кварталами не отапливаемых квартир, со стареющим населением, ценность которого для государства уменьшается по мере удаления от Москвы. Принудительная миграция в Сибирь во время советской эпохи меняется на массовое возвращение людей, в первую очередь молодежи, обратно в поисках более терпимых и обустроенных условий жизни. Образующийся вакуум заполняют сотни тысяч китайцев, буквально пожирающих, грабящих, и скупающих древесину и другие природные ресурсы Дальнего Востока. Шутка времен "холодной войны": "На китайско-финской границе без происшествий", как никогда близка к правде.

:russo:  :russo:  :russo:  :russo:  :russo:  :russo:

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#79 by ArmaDino (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 17:31:30 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#77 andrei2115, "... la noi e mai rau, oameni se poarta ca niste dobitoace ..." -
da la mericani cu ce-s mai buni?? Ei au o gindire de animale principalul sa-i shie bine, sa faca sacs si de rest poh... si cu parere de rau cultul asta se raspindeste si peste hotare, uitativa ce cultura, ce muzica.. in ultimul timp in general in afara de cintece care sa fie despre "mame proaste" sau shit n-am auzit.. da la noi asta rupe bashnea, si daca n-asculti asa ceva esti loser.

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#80 by andrei2115 (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 17:43:49 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#79 ArmaDino, "... itativa ce cultura, ce muzica.. in ultimul timp in general in afara de cintece care sa fie despre "mame proaste" sau shit n-am auzit.. da la noi asta rupe bashnea, si daca n-asculti asa ceva esti loser. ..." - ei nu e chiar asa - eu de exemplu prefer alfel de muzica - imiplace inclusiv si rapul dar cel cu gust si care sa contina un mesaj cu care sa ma identific.

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#81 by vortex7gl (drum'n'bass assault) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 17:57:12 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#79 ArmaDino, tu shi, vrei sa dovedeshti ca in MD ii mai bine decit in USA??? ..lasa..
acestea sunt nishte fleacuri, care nu influenteaza americii de a fi mai buna..

#79 ArmaDino, "... Ei au o gindire de animale ..." - un american simplu e mai deshtept decit noi amindoi impreuna X2 .. eu singur m-am convins

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#82 by Tanella (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 17:59:47 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Ce-i cu voi oameni!!! Totushi Moldova e tara in care traiti,in loc sa luati cei mai bun,voi invers,si inca vrem ca tara noastra sa le ajunga pe celelalte din urma...

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#83 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:04:58 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#79 ArmaDino, pe tine s vede q teo suparat tare vreun american, ori ci матушка Росия the best :sarcastic: sh lasa tu bredu q americanii is prosti sh etc, teai uita la noi in tara mai intii, daq acolo cyteva sute de mii, sau chear milioane de oameni is idiotz, nu inseamna ca toata tara e asa, care tre s fie aproape de 300 milioane de oameni deam, da la noi cu 2 milioane jumate, sh aceia jumate batrini sh o patrime alkoolici, dechide ochii baiete ) sh lasa tu povestile cu america

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#84 by vortex7gl (drum'n'bass assault) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:08:14 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#83 Iulik, +1 ..

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#85 by laikaDisabled (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:17:59 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
sentimentul de indignare este clar - dar, sunt minciuni chiar asa de late

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#86 by WersQ Fotbalist (westcoastbestcoast) (1 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:34:59 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#16 BNQ, "... da tu ai fost ..." - îmi place să mă uit la ştiri :)

#19 BananaZ, "... la noi drumurile îs mai rele ca în Africa ..." - la ei doar magistralele sunt asfaltate şi drumurile din oraşe mari,nu zic sunt şi tări mai dezvoltate precum Africa de Sud unde nivelul de trai e mult mai ridicat de kît la noi))

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#87 by ArmaDino (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:41:25 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#82 Tanella, "... Totushi Moldova e tara in care traiti,in loc sa luati cei mai bun,voi invers,si inca vrem ca tara noastra sa le ajunga pe celelalte din urma... ..." - +1

#83 Iulik, "... матушка Росия the best ..." - I hate RUSIA... it sucks.. din cauza lor multi compatrioti ai nostri vorbesc o limba imaginara..dar lucru e ca pe mine ma inerveaza cind niste degradati ne socot o tara pierduta..

#83 Iulik, "... cyteva sute de mii, sau chear milioane de oameni is idiotz, nu inseamna ca toata tara e asa ..." - te gresesiti.. toti oamenii care au votat p-u Bush is prosti.. Bush=Voronin, numai ca nu vorgheshte pi maldavineshti :saracastic:

Iata un ceva despre americanii:

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#88 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:45:23 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top nici nu mă îndoiesc de aşa articole...

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#89 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:46:23 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#87 ArmaDino, tu mai ai sa generalizezi tot pe baza la citiva oameni? psc, da acei care o facut stirile nu tot is americani, da cei ce lucreaza la microsoft nus americani, da cei de la EA, Norton, s.a ei tot is prosti da, psc, am zis mai informeazate, nu tot ce vezi pe e adevarat, acolo cyte clipuri sunt cu bomj din moldova, inseamna ca toti is ca ei? :dots:

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#90 by ArmaDino (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 18:52:12 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#89 Iulik, "... da acei care o facut stirile nu tot is americani, da cei ce lucreaza la microsoft nus americani, da cei de la EA, Norton, ..." - daca cinstit la ei lucreaza asa numita politica de selectie, selecteaza savantii sau tinerii cu perspectiva de peste hotare le creaza conditii bune, salarii inalte ca ei sa ramina.. si daca eu as lucra la Norton asta nu inseamna ca eu voi sti ce inseamna Mosque sau as sti unde e Iranul, Coreea de Noed, etc..

#89 Iulik, "... nu tot ce vezi pe e adevarat ..." - eu nu stiu, dar daca acest reportaj e fake, apoi toti care s-au filmat is actori de Holywood

#88 HP, Thx ca ai atentionat, amu totul e clar... intrati aici:

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#91 by HP (Selfish) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 19:03:59 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#90 ArmaDino, la noi tot au făcut un asemenea reportaj... nu mai ţin minte cu ce... dar nu toţi răspundeau aşa cum credeam eu că voi răspunde...

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#92 by shcoala Warned (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 21:41:28 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#8 WersQ, eu la shcoala keltui 150 de lei pe saptamina,da tzie 700 pe luna itzi ajung!>?>!>!:whistle2:

#0 Angie, Nush..EU sunt am alaturi cea mai skumpa persoana din lume...shi ka am linga mine nishte oameni adevaratzi..prieteni,parintzi,diriginte....:ae::ae::ae:

P.S.Viatza ta sta in mainele tale!!!!

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#93 by Zuker (Poliglot) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 21:55:48 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#88 HP, "... nici nu mă îndoiesc de aşa articole... ..." - agree, sursa aceasta nu numai asta va cânta aşa. Transnistria este agresată de Chişinău! Îînsă cine este lovit de aviaţie? - numai redactorii acestei reviste, care bine ling anusul Kremlinului, pe asta şi trăiesc.

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#94 by zypher (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 22:41:49 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
Matha Fu***rs!!! What right do they have to tell us off like that?! Im sure the prick hasnt even been in Moldova, jerking off in his amerika, while Smirnov paid bribed him to write shit about us. SCREW HIM!!!

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#95 by Iulik Drivers Club (Жицыкэ) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 22:42:52 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
inq unu )

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#96 by Alecks (Est modus in rebus !) (1 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 22:48:26 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#0 Angie, "... Moldova is the unhappiest place on the face of the earth. ..." - bull shit... :aggressive: dute wai in Iraq sau India :lol:

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#97 by dyano4ka (Power User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 23:18:21 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
blin,  :&#039;-(  shi iaka kum sa fii optimist daka la tati koltzurile iti spun ka esti cel mai miserable om din lume, unhappy si cum akolo....pptz!!! :girlcry:  ........ degraba o sa ne fie rusine sa spunem ka suntem moldoveni.......   :girlimpossible:

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#98 by zypher (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 23:24:05 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#95 Iulik, cum adik inca unu???

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#99 by vortex7gl (drum'n'bass assault) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 23:25:14 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
#92 shcoala, "... Viatza ta sta in mainele tale!!!! ..." - da mainile tale unde stau????

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#100 by qwStyle (User) (0 mesaje) at 2008-02-23 23:42:03 (850 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]Top
"Publicat pe site-ul" - eu cred ca cei care sunt de acord cu articolul degeaba au perdut timpul p/u a posta mesaje si p/u a cauta si gasi argumente

P.S. in genere eu propun ca sa nu sa se mai creeze teme asupra articolelor de pe acest site compus de mintea vicleana, hapsina si anti-sociala a lui smirnov

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