#0 by GoDNeSS (EurO - O - VizioN) (0 mesaje) at 2008-09-07 10:43:11 (854 săptămâni în urmă) - [Link]
Happy Tree Friends (Often abbreviated as HTF) is a Flash cartoon series by Mondo Mini
Shows, created by Rhode Montijo, Kenn Navarro and Aubrey Ankrum. Since its debut the
show has become a popular internet phenomenon and has won a cult following.
As indicated on the official site, it is "not recommended for small children". Notwithstanding
the cute appearance of its characters, the show is extremely violent, with nearly every
episode featuring blood, gore, and violent gruesome deaths.
While the violence of these deaths is comparable to that of The Itchy & Scratchy Show (the
short cartoon featured on The Simpsons), the portrayal of death in Happy Tree Friends is
more graphic and anatomically correct, depicting bloodshed and dismemberment in more
vivid, exaggerated detail.
The show is nearly free of dialogue; however, when the characters do speak, their words
are severely garbled. Though it is obvious what each character's reaction is, their words can
hardly be understood at all. The exceptions to this are Pop and Lumpy, who can occasionally
be easily understood when they speak. They have garbled speech as well, but can actually
be understood on most occasions. According to the website, the idea for Happy Tree
Friends was conceived by Rhode Montijo when he drew a yellow rabbit, slightly resembling
the character Cuddles, on a piece of paper and wrote "Resistance Is Futile" underneath
Happy Tree Friends (engleză: Prietenii fericiţi din copac), deseori abreviat ca HTF este o
serie de desene animate Flash create de Mondo Mini Shows. De la debutul său, a devenit un
fenomen de pe internet.
După cum se spune şi pe site-ul Happy Tree Friends, nu este recomandat copiiilor. De fapt,
recomandarea de pe site este Cartoon Violence. HTF is not recommended for small children
or big babies.
În ciuda personajelor sale drăgălaşe (animale personificate), episoadele sunt foarte violente,
majoritatea personajelor murind datorită unor evenimente sau accidente tragice,
neprevăzute. Sunt foarte sângeroase.
Personajele nu vorbesc foarte mult dar chiar şi când discută, acestea mai mult gânguresc,
cuvintele fiind greu de înţeles. De obicei atunci când personajele vorbesc, gesticulează sau fac
anumite semne pentru ca spectatorul să poată înţelege ce se discută.
Happy Tree Friends (HTF, англ. Весёлые лесные друзья) — мультипликационный
немой флэш-сериал в жанре чёрного юмора и триллера о приключениях группы
симпатичных зверушек. Создан в США в 1999 году. В 1-м сезоне (1999—2001) было
выпущено всего 9 серий. Пилотная серия в российском прокате называется «Быстрое
Сериал был очень популярен в Интернет-кругах, затем перекочевал на телевидение. В
России его начал транслировать кабельный канал «НСТ» («Настоящее Страшное
All 20 characters from the show. Left to right: Disco Bear, Petunia, Nutty,
Flaky, Cuddles, Toothy, Splendid, Giggles, Russell, Flippy, Shifty, Handy, Lifty, Lumpy, Cub,
Pop, The Mole, Sniffles, Mime, Cro-Marmot